Guest Editorial – Reduction of Drug Use as a Legitimate Goal of Treatment
Reducing drug use has clear public health benefits, including reducing overdoses, reducing infectious disease transmission, and reducing automobile accidents and emergency department visits, not to mention potentially reducing adverse health effects such as cancer and other diseases associated with tobacco or alcohol. Thus, there is a need for new treatment approaches that recognize the clinical value of reduced use.Full story
Recent and Past Issues
The ASAM Weekly for July 30th, 2024
Guest Editorial: Does Rescheduling Cannabis Make Sense?Full story -
Guest Editorial: Does Rescheduling Cannabis Make Sense?
On May 16, the Department of Justice (DOJ) proposed moving marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act. Between now and November’s election, there will be considerable discussion regarding rescheduling.Full story -
The ASAM Weekly for July 23rd, 2024
Guest Editorial: To Address the Fentanyl Crisis, Greater Access to Methadone Is NeededFull story -
Guest Editorial: To Address the Fentanyl Crisis, Greater Access to Methadone Is Needed
Over the past several years, the increasing prevalence of fentanyl in the drug supply has created an unprecedented overdose death rate and other devastating consequences.Full story -
The ASAM Weekly for July 16th, 2024
Benzodiazepine use in relation to long-term dementia riskFull story -
The ASAM Weekly for July 9th, 2024
Extended-release ketamine tablets for treatment-resistant depression: a randomized placebo-controlled phase 2 trialFull story -
The ASAM Weekly for July 2nd, 2024
Global status report on alcohol and health and treatment of substance use disordersFull story -
The ASAM Weekly for June 25th, 2024
Community-Based Cluster-Randomized Trial to Reduce Opioid Overdose DeathsFull story -
The ASAM Weekly for June 18th, 2024
Piloting a Hospital-Based Rapid Methadone Initiation Protocol for FentanylFull story -
The ASAM Weekly for June 11th, 2024
Associations of semaglutide with incidence and recurrence of alcohol use disorder in real-world populationFull story
This Week in Addiction Medicine Podcast
A weekly audio summary and podcast of the ASAM Weekly
The ASAM Weekly
Editors & Staff
Editor-in-Chief: Nicholas Athanasiou, MD, MBA, DFASAM
Emeritus Editor: William Haning, MD, DFAPA, DFASAM
Publications Chair: Nicholas Athanasiou, MD, MBA, DFASAM
Co-Editors: Brandon
Aden, MD, Jack Woodside, MD, John A. Fromson, MD
Please direct customer service inquiries and comments to: ASAMWeekly@ASAM.org
The ASAM Weekly
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Contact: Claire Rasmussen <crasmussen@asam.org>