COSAM Opposes Prohibiting SSPs in Pueblo

On May 13th, the Colorado Society of Addiction Medicine (COSAM) sent a letter to members of the Pueblo City Council opposing a proposed ordinance banning the operation of syringe service programs (SSPs). COSAM emphasized SSPs' proven benefits of reducing harms to people who use substances and to the broader community. SSPs crucially link people to treatment, and evidence suggests that people who use SSPs are more likely to seek treatment and stop using substances as a result. In addition, SSPs benefit the public health of the community through safely disposing of used syringes and reducing the spread of infectious disease. Finally, SSPs likely do not increase crime rates in their areas; evidence suggests no difference in crime rates when comparing neighborhoods with SSPs and neighborhoods without. Therefore, COSAM disputed the city's proposed ordinance, on the grounds that it will be counterproductive to overdose prevention efforts.