Dr. Christina Delos Reyes's Story

I treat addiction because it allows me to see miracles unfold every day. There is nothing better than helping another human being recover from the disease of addiction. I know that for every person I help, I can also make a positive impact on the lives of several other people, including spouses, children, parents, siblings, other relatives, and friends.

Persons living with addiction (and their loved ones) have an uphill battle. They have a condition that is misunderstood, stigmatized, and challenging to treat at times. I can offer understanding, compassion, and evidence-based treatments.

Addiction is a deadly disease which causes untold suffering. Treating addiction allows me to give something back to the community—healthy individuals who can live successful lives and realize their hopes and dreams. I feel blessed to participate in the care of individuals with addiction as I watch miracles before my eyes.

Christina Delos Reyes, MD, FASAM Psychiatrist ASAM member since 1995
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